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Sponsored Post: Port harcourt Biggest Trade Exhibition and BBQ.


The Big Trade Exhibition and BBQ is a unique opportunity for potential customers/ partner that may have little or no knowledge of your products and services to see, hear, touch and experience it first hand as well as boost your brand. This is also a major platform to demonstrate latest products and services, meet with industry partners and customers, study activities of your rivals, and examine recent market trends and opportunities in an effective environment. You can't afford to miss this edition! 

What to expect from this edition: * 
A fun outdoor recreational event with over 1,000 guests to hang out, meet, network, party and make new connections this festive period. 
* A unique and large platform for old and new businesses where potential customers can touch, see, hear and experience your products or services as well as boost your sells and income. 
* Attending or exhibiting at The Big Trade Exhibition and BBQ will create an awesome experience, learn new things about your business, other products, new ideas and trends. 
* Games/ fun actives, Giveaways BBQ and so much more.... Take this opportunity to improve your business/idea while having fun. 
Date: 10 Dec. 2017 

Venue: Randolph Hotel & Resort 101 Old Aba Road Rumuogba, Artillery, Port harcourt. 
Time: 10am-10pm.

Entry is FREE! 

To book a stand, make enquires and sponsorship, please call or whatsapp 08189148221/08105001401
Dm: @royalvintage10
Email: royalvintage.events@yahoo.com

Supported by Shugacain Nigeria.

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